Why Mesh Mastery?
Hair loss has reached an all time high over the past few years, and we are here to give you solutions as well as build your business. Our intensive online course breaks down not only all mesh integration techniques and applications, but also digs deeper into the why behind the loss. Understanding the root cause of hair loss and how it affects the scalp is the only way to truly provide guests with the best mesh solution for them.
Our goal is to provide you with all the skills you'll need to successfully change your guests lives by giving them the hair they never knew they could have. We have taken the mesh game and elevated it, and we can't wait for you to take this next step with us
All Things Hair Loss
An extremely detailed breakdown of the scalp, the structure of hair, & common causes of hair loss. This goes WAY past just learning about female pattern baldness and trichotillomania. We will take an extensive look at the WHY behind the loss including scalp conditions, specific autoimmune diseases, stress & hormones and more. This itself is an entire class worth of info and we cannot wait to share it.
Hair Quality & Production
Most companies claim to have "the highest quality hair on the market".... but do they really? With the regulations in the US being so poor, we want to give you the skinny on whats really going on in terms of hair production, sourcing, & standards. We want you to be able to know what your looking for so you can truly understand what products your using and decide what is best for your clients.
Closure Installations
YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT. Not only are we going to give you the how & why behind creating mesh foundations, but we will be explaining and showing MULTIPLE CLOSURE FOUNDATIONS dependent on where the hair loss is. What happens if your client is sparse on the sides? Or if there is no hair near the hairline & one side in the back? We've got you covered with all you need to be able to customize for each individuals unique needs.